Chapters (East)

  • Golden Rule No. 1

Regular Convocations: 3rd Thursday, 7:30 p.m., except June, July, August and December.

Installation: January.

Meeting Place: Masonic Hall, 3002 College Street, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 1T9

Scribe Esdras :

  • Stadacona-Shawenegan No. 2

Regular Convocations: 2nd Monday, 7:30 PM, in the months of February, March, April, October and November.

Installation: November.

Meeting Place: Masonic Hall, 51 rue Des Jardins, Québec, Qc.  G1R 4L6

cribe Esdras :

  • Mount Horeb No. 6

Regular Convocations: 2nd Wednesday, 7:30 PM, except January, June, July, August and December.

Installation: May.

Meeting Place: Masonic Memorial Temple, 2295 St. Mark Street, Montréal, QC H3H 2G9

Scribe Esdras :

  • Mount Sutton No. 12

Regular Convocations: 4th Monday, 7:30 p.m. in the months of March, April, May, September, October and November.

Installation: November.

Meeting Place: Lodge Hall, 480 Knowlton Rd., Brome Lake, QC.                                        

Scribe Esdras :

  • Fairmount No. 14

Regular Convocations: 4th Wednesday of the month, 7:30 PM,  except June, July August and December.

Installation: January.

Meeting Place: Masonic Memorial Temple, 2295 St. Marc, Montreal, QC H3H 2G9

Scribe Esdras :