Grand First Principal Words


My Companions,

I would like to thank you for the trust you have placed in me in choosing me as your Grand First Principal. I believe we have a great work ahead of us, and it will take a concerted effort to achieve our goals. First and foremost we must continue to stabilize our Chapters by supplying them with the support and tools necessary to succeed. To that effect the Grand Council has given a blanket dispensation to all Chapters in the Province to be permitted to open with a minimum of 6 Royal Arch Masons present. We hope that this will allow our Chapters the flexibility needed to perform their duties and continue to advance the candidates in their degrees.

This is also going to be an historic year for the Grand Chapter of Quebec, as it will be the first time in our history that we do a "one day class". On November 30th 2024, Master Masons from all over the Province will gather at the Montreal Masonic Temple and receive the Mark Master Mason, the Most Excellent Master and the Royal Arch Mason degrees. Companions from each of our chapters are being asked to participate in the degree work in order to make this a truly momentous event.

Dale Langillle

Grand First Principal Royal Arch Masons of Quebec

Grand First Principal Words
Hero Image

This current year will focus on the overall health of fellowship. As Royal Arch Masons, are we not rebuilders?

  • The first step is to encourage companions to return to their chapters.
  • The second step is based on communication. We need to convince master masons to continue their masonic journey within the York Rite but, more specifically, Royal Arch Masonry.
  • The final step, and most important, is to build around two fundamental values: fraternity and respect for tradition.

It is important for freemasons to remember the tools inculcated in the former degrees and find a subtle balance with all their undertakings. The source for regenerating our chapters lay within the new talented master masons seeking further light. Thus, bringing into the light, my term motto:

“Bringing Royal Arch Masonry back to life in Quebec”

Companions, may the Divine Providence open the door of a new day for the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry of Quebec and for all Royal Arch Masonry in general.

Most Excellent Companion

Max F. Anglade

Grand First Principal of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masonry of Quebec